Monday, August 21, 2017

The Eclipse!

Today is Monday, August 21st, 2017.

The Solar Eclipse is the talk of the town today even more so than the latest misstatements of Trump or any other politician on either side.  I'm sure the media will get right back on that mission as soon as the eclipse is past.  I must admit I find it interesting and I have made a box to watch the eclipse through but I am not going to drive to the place where I can see it in totality.  I'll leave that to those who are more excited than I am.

I suppose there will be some who take advantage of the premature darkness and cause some kind of calamity such as tearing down a statue that they find offensive.  I seem to remember someone said not too long ago that her and her husband had to "Change History" to achieve their goals.  I suppose eradicating statues and plaques that you find offensive is one way of doing that.

In the meantime I will continue on working and living my life in a way that is positive and not causing problems for others whether I agree or disagree with their ideology.

It has been a very busy summer for me and I have once again neglected this blog. I have been maintaining a good weight at 175 and I was working out pretty hard every morning until a couple of weeks ago when I was once again sidelined with a back issue.  I am on the mend and hope to finish strong this year as my fitness quest continues!

By the way, I bought an Indian motorcycle in the spring and I am enjoying it allot! I have plans to make some trips in the fall up to the parkway and beyond.  So far I have only had time to do one ride of any consequence which was to Chesnee, SC.  Went to a great antique bike show there.

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