Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Fitness Quest - Fitness Challenge

I like the word quest, it conjurs up visions of epic adventures and the conquering of foes.  I suppose that's because I grew up reading heroic fantasy novels and comic books. Yet in this case my quest is to step outside of my comfort zone and see how far I can push myself.  I am in some ways entering the realm of the unknown by pushing harder than ever before as I work out and try to achieve epic results!  It all started many years ago when I saw this picture...

I was barely 50 when I saw this and it was startling to me.  At first I thought it was photoshopped but as I researched I found it was the real thing.  At that point it was simple, if HE can do it, I can do it.. So back in 2014 I started my first year long quest.  I was doing well for a few months and was in great shape until I hurt my back.  It was not long before I fell back into the same old habits of not exercising enough and eating all the wrong things.

It took me until late 2016 to get my mind right (and my back) again and I began working out every morning and pushing myself a little further than before.  I created a good foundation to start my new quest for 2017.  It hit me in Feb., that I was doing so well it was time to step it up and I began my 100 push up a day challenge. Honestly I had no idea if I could pull this off but I have managed to stay true to the course and the challenge is now almost complete.  

Once I get into April I will come up with a brand new challenge for May.  Hopefully I can continue this all year and by December I will be closer than ever to crashing through any so called limitations and moving beyond what we consider normal for our age group.  I will be 56 in June and I want to prove to myself that I have no limitations once I set my mind to a quest.

One final thought.  Since I began this challenge I have posted my results on FB each day as I try and crack the 100 pushups in two minutes barrier.  I know some folks may think I am trying to brag about this or that but my true goal is to inspire.  It's not often people my age take on a challenge like this, at least most of the people I know.  I want to inspire at least one person to get in better shape, eat healthier and live longer.  If I do that my journey is all the more sweeter.  

At 56 I know over half my life is over and I am going to live it to the FULLEST!!!!

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