Update! Lost 22 lbs in 8 weeks! "90 Day Challenge" coming to an end in less than two weeks...
........... Now back to "Getting Your Mind Right!"
Like me, you may have heard this phrase before. I have heard it and used it but what does it really mean?
Like many people, I have struggled with trying to get my appetite under control for years and due to my penchant for eating unhealthy snacks and gorging myself when I have a plate or two of yummy food to consume, I have suffered from all types of problems from weight gain to GERD and other gastro intestinal problems I will not go into. Making a plan and sticking to it when it comes to food is a really hard thing to do!
Well, I have still not mastered my late night cravings for ice cream, chips or pop corn completely but I have gotten closer to my goal than ever with the help of a company called Visalus. They make a delicious cream flavored shake mix that you can use as a meal replacement or supplement depending on your goals. If your goal is weight loss (like me) then use it for meal replacement.
I have been doing it for over 2 months and I have lost 22 pounds. The pounds came off quick and the funny thing is, I had been trying to lose weight since January 1st and had managed to lose 10 pounds already but it took me about three months on my own. With the help of the VI shakes (and they are very tasty I might add) I lost the next 10 in about 3 weeks. Now I am holding steady at about 156 and anticipate losing only about 5 more poundsat most! Since I am 5'10 and fairly lean already, I don't want to lose much more weight but I am now in the phase of toning and reshaping. I am preparing for two upcoming Black Belt tests in the two martial arts classes I take, both will be within a few months of each other if all goes well. The first one will be in my Tomiki Aikido class and it may happen by the end of this year. The next test will be in Combat Hapkido and should be sometime in the first quarter of 2013. Again this is if I stay injury free and all goes as planned.
Now the phrase (Get your mind right) is important here because what I am learning or have learned is that all of this stuff in regards to food, excercise, etc., is all in your head. You have to get in the right mindset to accomplish goals you have. In other words, you have to really want something bad enough to make the changes that have to be made in order to accomplish your goal, any goal.
I suppose I have finally gotten to that point. I want something bad enough to do what it takes to see it through. One thing I am excited about is that this product the (VI shakes) are the catalyst that have helped my break through a really tough barrier that was keeping me from getting my mind right. Now that I have achieved my weight loss goal, I am on to my next goal which is getting in the best shape I can be to be ready for these upcoming tests. I feel like I can accopmlish that now. The one regret I have is that it has taken me this long to get here, at 51 it seems I am a very slow starter.
In closing let me add that I am currently reading a new bookcalled "Overkill" by Steven Shrewsbury. It is about a legendary warrior who is over 700 year old! I'm not saying I would like to live that long but at least he has had plenty of time to learn and "Get His Mind Right"...
Refocusing my Blog on Fitness and Martial Arts after 50! We are never too old to make changes that can positively impact our health. All things are possible with Faith in God!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Blogging for health and wealth!
If you have read any of my previous posts you know I am involved with the "90 Day Challenge" by Visalus Sciences. Drinking VI Shakes now has become ingrained in my daily routine. I love this stuff! After losing about 22 lbs in 8 weeks I am into the home stretch of my 90 days. I am also promoting the product. I am passionate about the company and what it's products have done for me and what they can do for others. I am recommending it for many of my friends and actively trying to make a serious run at becoming an Ambassador with this company! I need your help to accomplish that goal!
If you want or need to lose some weight this is an amazing product so give it a try! You won't be sorry. But like anything else you have to comitt yourself to this and eat right when your not drinking shakes. Lay off the Pizza, soda and other stuff that will replace those calories that you lost early in the day. Don't eat late at night, drink a small shake if you get hungry. It's 10:00 PM here and I just finished a good workout and a before bed-time shake. I know losing weight is tough, I struggled with it for years but Visalus has changed that for me. I hope it can be what you are looking for as well. Visit my Visalus page @ http://pearcejd.myvi.net
Sunday, July 01, 2012
Is it time for a change?
Greetings Friends!
Now that I have reached my weight loss goal of 160 lbs, it is a matter of maintaining my current weight or managing my appetite. Someone told me the other day that you "Eat to live not Live to eat!" In today's America that's so true. So many people "Live to Eat" it seems we schedule our entire lives around what we eat.
Unfortunately too many of us consume food that is not healthy and we gorge ourselves at each meal instead of eating small amounts several times a day. Don't get me wrong I will still go out and eat a great meal at the "Bonefish Grill" or "Red Rocks Cafe" one of my other favorite restaruants. I will also have a beer or two from time to time and eat deserts or ice cream but I will now only indugle that aspect of food on occaision and not very frequently.
Now it's VI Shakes
Twice a day and a sensible meal. I had a lettuce wrap sanwhich today for lunch with turkey, tomato and mayo with a little cheese sprinkled on it. Chips and a large glass of ice water. This is a typical meal for me these days and it's how I managed to drop from 187 in January to 160 today. I will have stir fried squash and zuchinni tonight with onion, celery and beef, maybe some shrimp too. I normally drink water at home or cofee.
PS ~ I have siad goodbye to fast food. Will I ever stop and enjoy a chicken sandwich with fries and a tea again? Maybe but not often. Where I used to do that at leat 4 or 5 times a week, now I am down to once or twice a month and when I do I rarely eat the bread and usually throw out some of the fries. I also feel terrible after doing it so it's pretty much over for me now. McDonalds, you are DEAD to me!
Clearly I would have never dropped the last twenty pounds without the help of the VI Shakes. I just had one a few minutes ago and always start my day with one now if I have time. The combination of 1% milk (8 ounces) a banana, two scoops of shake mix and maybe some yogurt is my standard shake. We mix it up occaisionally by adding blueberries, strawberries, low fat ice-cream, peaches or whatever we might like at the moment. Chocolate is good from time to time too!
I hope some of you will take the challenge! This is one of the greatest things I have experienced in a long time! Being my high school weight is awesome and I feel so much better! If your interested in learning more go to the website and look around. Call me if you have questions and are ready to order your first bag of VI Shakes.
Now that I have reached my weight loss goal of 160 lbs, it is a matter of maintaining my current weight or managing my appetite. Someone told me the other day that you "Eat to live not Live to eat!" In today's America that's so true. So many people "Live to Eat" it seems we schedule our entire lives around what we eat.
Unfortunately too many of us consume food that is not healthy and we gorge ourselves at each meal instead of eating small amounts several times a day. Don't get me wrong I will still go out and eat a great meal at the "Bonefish Grill" or "Red Rocks Cafe" one of my other favorite restaruants. I will also have a beer or two from time to time and eat deserts or ice cream but I will now only indugle that aspect of food on occaision and not very frequently.
Now it's VI Shakes
Twice a day and a sensible meal. I had a lettuce wrap sanwhich today for lunch with turkey, tomato and mayo with a little cheese sprinkled on it. Chips and a large glass of ice water. This is a typical meal for me these days and it's how I managed to drop from 187 in January to 160 today. I will have stir fried squash and zuchinni tonight with onion, celery and beef, maybe some shrimp too. I normally drink water at home or cofee.
PS ~ I have siad goodbye to fast food. Will I ever stop and enjoy a chicken sandwich with fries and a tea again? Maybe but not often. Where I used to do that at leat 4 or 5 times a week, now I am down to once or twice a month and when I do I rarely eat the bread and usually throw out some of the fries. I also feel terrible after doing it so it's pretty much over for me now. McDonalds, you are DEAD to me!
Clearly I would have never dropped the last twenty pounds without the help of the VI Shakes. I just had one a few minutes ago and always start my day with one now if I have time. The combination of 1% milk (8 ounces) a banana, two scoops of shake mix and maybe some yogurt is my standard shake. We mix it up occaisionally by adding blueberries, strawberries, low fat ice-cream, peaches or whatever we might like at the moment. Chocolate is good from time to time too!
I hope some of you will take the challenge! This is one of the greatest things I have experienced in a long time! Being my high school weight is awesome and I feel so much better! If your interested in learning more go to the website and look around. Call me if you have questions and are ready to order your first bag of VI Shakes.
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