Greetings and Salutations!
I have been up most of the night unable to sleep after attending the funeral service for my old friend Tim Rhyne yesterday. Tim, a strapping young fellow all of 46 years old was far too young to die. I suppose the good Lord needed a smart and savvy warrior up in heaven to prepare for an Epic battle of Supergalatic proportions. Tim was definitely they guy to help with the preparations for that.
Tim was a guy who had lots of friends and most of them were there yesterday. Many of us went back to his house afterward and had a celebration of sorts with Tim's brother Lyle and his wife Dawn along with a few other family members including Tim & Dawn's (not to be confused with Lyle's Dawn) kids, Dallas and Megan. Dallas was constantly amazing everyone with his playing the drums in the air as his fingers slapped against each other sounding like he was really beating an invisible drum while beautiful Megan was very busy running around with her friends and cousins and also reading some of the many letters her classmates had written to her.
Ray, Mark, Drew and I were hanging around with Lyle, Dawn, June, Marti and others sharing stories about Tim and looking at old photo's of Tim and Dawn's wedding and vacations. Captain Morgan was there and I think Sonic Man was also present somewhere. Of course Dawn passed away only about a month ago also of cancer and again much too soon for someone so young and beautiful. It is a sad tale no doubt and She is missed terribly too. I wish I had a picture of her here on my computer but I do not.
I myself feel lucky to have known them both. Although I was in no way Tim's closest or best friend. Hell at times he did not even like me I am sure. Yet we did go way back and there was a time in our lives, long ago, when we spent so much time together he was like one of my brothers.
Tim was a unique individual, as Mark was saying yesterday he was truly one of a kind, nobody else like him. God broke the mold I suppose on this one. Tim will be missed by so many people but he will never be forgotten. His Timizms will also carry on with each one of his friends.
Squibber, Sclib, Gibby, Baby Rhino, all great nicknames by the way. He was here with us so briefly now it seems but while he was here he made a tremendous impact on all those around him. Especially me. I always admired the guy and felt good knowing he was around somewhere even if I did not see him that often anymore.
Farewell brother Tim, may your days in heaven be long and peaceful.
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